我们的品牌 Our Brand


我们的品牌中文名称是道度,“道度”体现了我们“追求完美、做到极致”的工作风格。我们希望用“道”、“度”表明我们凡事讲求方法与分寸,既要做对,又要做到恰如其分。“道度”有“规律”和“规矩”的意思。东晋道家代表人物葛洪在其重要著作《抱朴子》中有言:“举足则蹈道度” ,即“规律”、“规则”之意,这正好反映了我们咨询服务的专业性与智力性。二字单独也都有很好的寓意:“道”代表真理、路、方向、道理等;“度”代表衡量单位、境界、法则、标准,以及量,表明我们的作业水准与立业理念。




我们的使命是:以精品服务公司(Boutique Agency)的理念和创造性,引领客户的品牌战略。我们的法则就是:Equity=Mind·Creativity²


1. 我们笃信品牌。

2. 我们关注于人。

3. 我们欣赏信任。

4. 我们讲求平等。

5. 我们注重效率。


Our Brand name is ALAR, means “an oasis in the desert”, which stands for hope and vitality, suggesting our vitality, imagination and spirit of breakthrough. Its Chinese name is Dao Du, the word “Dao” represents truth, path, direction, and strategy, and the word “Du” represents degree, rules, standards and creativity. The two words combined implies to do the right thing and in a perfect way. Besides, it can represent the pursuit of perfection of our working. A saying containing DaoDu from an ancient Taoism “Bao Pu Zi” reflects our professionalism and intellects.

ALAR stands for our vision: to be an Alternative, Liberal, Avant-garde and Responsive consulting agency. Our mission is to transform our clients’ brands to unique ones by using our success formula Brand Equity = Mind Creative².


Our Values:
1. We believe in branding.
Everything is marketed with a final goal: branding. A brand in need is a brand indeed. We think the power of Mind will overcome the branding challenges.

2. We respect people.
People are the most fundamental and precious asset. We respect you, people who benefit from branding, and appreciate branding.

3. We value trust.
We think good work relationship is based on mutual trust. Instead of judging from a simple pitch offer, we recommend you talk to our clients to learn more about us.

4. We promise fairness.
No brand is small, and no work is trivial. We are always honored to have opportunities to help your brand succeed regardless which stage you are at.

5. We focus on efficiency.
We will have presentations or client meetings, but we will not have meetings just to impress you. We want your time with us is well spent.